Financial Literacy Made Easy With SEED CSR & FIS


SEED CSR & FIS through their CSR initiative trained the youth and women in Kamothe Village in Navi Mumbai in financial literacy and skill development, giving them an opportunity to compete with the world and helped in opening avenues for job opportunities.

In 2018, SEED CSR implemented the third phase of the project with the aim to empower the youth and women and help the communities to build a sustainable livelihood.

What is Financial Literacy?

Financial literacy aims to equip people with knowledge and skills to manage finances effectively. It helps people in making them self-sufficient and achieve financial stability.

Under the project, people were sensitized about early savings, personal finance, need for protection of family, need for nomination, importance of having Aadhar Card, understanding financial statements, education of children, health for family and insurance for family.

Based on the assessment, SEED CSR during the third phase of the project decided to implement interventions to provide financial literacy and skill development programs in the most innovative ways possible.

Community Engagement:

  • Formation of Project Management Committee (PMC)
  • PMC consisted of 7 members and carried out activities like community meetings, awareness program, counselling etc.
  • 2–3 meetings were held every month
  • A Centre of Excellence was setup to provide free financial literacy course to the community members

Community Mobilization:

  • 6 street plays were conducted to educate people about importance of financial literacy
  • Several awareness rallies were conducted to sensitize people
  • Distribution of pamphlets, banners and door-to-door visits
  • Documentaries were screened to impart awareness about banking and maintaining finances
  • Materials distributed in the community that covered topics of financial literacy, need of savings, managing wealth etc.


  • 2 experts were roped into train cosmmunity members
  • Against the target of 60 students, 70 students enrolled and trained for the program
  • Final assessment was conducted at the end of the training
  • Experts were roped in for guest lectures
  • Special computer training program

Success Stories:

Shalini Pankaj Tiwari leant about the banking management course through her friends and joined the six-month training course. She gathered knowledge about how to fill different bank forms, how to apply for a loan, personal finance and importance of savings.

Rahul Vyas learnt about the course through our community mobilization program. He completed 6 months training program on banking management and expressed his gratitude for giving him the opportunity to learn about micro finance and entrepreneurship under the financial literacy program.

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